UK Falls from Height Research Study

This research seeks to gather comprehensive data on the underlying causes and circumstances of falls from height.

By understanding these factors, we can take targeted actions to prevent such incidents.

What is this about?

The No Falls Foundation has launched the first of its kind UK falls from height research study, aimed at anyone who has experienced, witnessed or investigated falls from height.

If that’s you, then please consider taking part in our researchYour insight will contribute to a better understanding of the underlying causes and circumstances behind falls from height.

To access it, please click on one of the buttons below. They each lead to a version of the study that focuses on falls from height that happened either at work or at home.

Why are we conducting this research?

No two falls from height are the same. However, different incidents can often share a cause, or some of its leading factors. For this reason, we’re asking for your help to gather data on falls from height you’ve experienced, witnessed or investigated.

By studying your case alongside others, we can provide evidence to support changes in practices, standards and regulations that could lead to the prevention of future falls.

Today, most of the reporting on falls from height focuses on the types of incident that happen rather than what causes them. So, despite statistics provided by the HSE and calls from the industry to introduce a simplified reporting system, we still lack a deeper understanding of the reasons behind falls from height.

The No Falls Foundation is working hand in hand with the Access Industry Forum and other industry members to change this. With more insights into the root causes of falls from height, we’ll be in a stronger position to inform and drive the necessary changes.

The UK falls from height research study was inspired by CPWR’s Fall experience survey and developed with their support.

Read our press release to learn more >>

What else can I do to support it?

Please feel free to use the assets below to promote the study and share it across your networks!

UK Falls from Height Research Study social media image 1200×630 px (PNG).
UK Falls from Height Research Study social media image 1104x736px (PNG).
UK falls from height research study
UK Falls from Height Research Study social media image 1024×512 px (PNG).

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