The Foundation aims to make a positive contribution to height safety and keeping people safe by:
Delivering a continuous programme of education highlighting the risks associated with working at height and the need for proper risk assessment, informed equipment selection and professional training;
Participating in conferences, workshops and seminars and contributing articles to trade and professional journals;
Promoting safety at height at exhibitions such as The Health & Safety Event and the London Work at Height Seminar;
By generally raising funds, organising appeals and promoting campaigns designed to raise awareness of the life-changing injuries that can be sustained following a fall from height and objects falling from height.
Research and the exchange and sharing of knowledge and information are a vital part of the Foundation’s work. The Foundation collaborates with a wide range of organisations with the aim of keeping people safe when working at height.
Finally, the Foundation provides information and guidance, support and relief to those in need by reason of ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage following a fall from height or injuries sustained from objects falling from height.